Chocolate Coin Locations in Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Tips & Best Spots to Find Them

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Where to Find Chocolate Coin in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Unlocking Recipes in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

In Hello Kitty Island Adventure, players can gather essential food resources from Friendship Island to unlock recipes. As players enhance their friendships with the game’s characters, they can access additional quests that reveal various tools and crafting items. Among these resources are Chocolate Coins, which remain hidden until players acquire the Flippers and Snorkel. Collecting these coins is worthwhile, as they are required for two distinct 3-heart gifts, highlighting their importance in gameplay.

Finding Chocolate Coins Around the Sunken Ship

Chocolate Coins can be located in and around the Sunken Ship situated in Rainbow Reef. Additionally, players should explore the nearby sea sponges, as they may also contain these valuable coins. The Sunken Ship is positioned to the west of Kelp Maze. Players can refer to specific game maps to identify the exact spots where these coins appear. It’s advisable to consume Stamina Apples to ensure enough energy for diving. Activating the nearby fast-travel Mailbox can make the journey easier, and players can also visit My Melody’s store to collect coins, although this will delay item requests until the next day. If players have reached Best Friends status with any islanders, they can request assistance in gathering items.

Utilizing Chocolate Coins in Crafting

Chocolate Coins serve a significant role in various crafting recipes within Hello Kitty Island Adventure. They are necessary for multiple recipes, including one for Coco’s cabin. Below is a list of recipes that require Chocolate Coins:

– Mundane Potion: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Glow Berry (crafted in the Cauldron at Spooky Swamp)
– Chocolate Ice Cream: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Cactus Cream (crafted in the Dessert Machine at Oasis, Gemstone Mountain)
– Boulder Bits Ice Cream: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Cactus Cream, 1 Swampmallow (crafted in the Dessert Machine at Oasis, Gemstone Mountain)
– Chocolate Shake: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Cactus Cream (crafted in the Dessert Machine at Oasis, Gemstone Mountain)
– Chocolate Pineapple Pudding: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Cactus Cream, 1 Pineapple (crafted in the Dessert Machine at Oasis, Gemstone Mountain)
– Hot Cocoa: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Candelnut (crafted in the Espresso Machine at Comedy Hall, Rainbow Reef or Hello Kitty’s Cafe after completing the “Espresso Machine Repair” quest)
– Chocolate Chai: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Candelnut (crafted in the Espresso Machine at Comedy Hall, Rainbow Reef or Hello Kitty’s Cafe after completing the “Espresso Machine Repair” quest)
– Mocha: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Candelnut (crafted in the Espresso Machine at Comedy Hall, Rainbow Reef or Hello Kitty’s Cafe)
– Chocolate Crepe: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Egg, 1 Flour (crafted in the Egg Pan at Gemstone Mountain)
– Volcano Cake: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Flour (crafted in the Oven at Hello Kitty’s Cafe, Seaside Resort)
– Chocolate Balls: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Flour (crafted in the Oven at Hello Kitty’s Cafe, Seaside Resort)
– Pizza: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Dough (crafted in the Pizza Oven at Mount Hothead)
– Soda: 1 Chocolate Coin, 1 Fizzy Crystal (crafted in the Soda Machine at Gemstone Mountain)
– Interactive History of Chocolate: 3 Chocolate Coins, 1 Mechanism, 1 Spark, 1 Blank Book (crafted in the Crafting Table at Seaside Resort or Gemstone Mountain)
– Rain Island Stone (crafted in the Crafting Table at Seaside Resort or Gemstone Mountain)

Among these, the most prominent recipes that utilize chocolate coins are the Interactive History of Chocolate and Chocolate Chai, which serve as 3-heart gifts for Chococat and Cinnamoroll. Crafting these items can significantly boost friendship levels, providing players with more experience than lower-tier gifts.